Catherine George

 Catherine George 's Books

A very well recieved series by Catherine George are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Italian Count's Defiant Bride, Dante's Unexpected Legacy, Restless Nights, Sweet Surrender (The Dysarts), The Second Bride, The Temptation Trap, The Mistress of His Manor, Loveknot, The Power of the Legendary Greek, A Venetian Passion, A Rumoured Engagement, The Unexpected Pregnancy, City Cinderella, Their Scandalous Affair, Desirable Property, A Venetian Affair, The Italian Count s Defiant Bride, Husband for Real, Reform of the Rake, A Vengeful Reunion, Under the Brazilian Sun, Silent Crescendo, Sarah's Secret, A Wicked Persuasion, The Perfect Solution, which was published in 2022.